![Council Camporee @ Camp Reeves](http://troop614.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/OcconeecheeCouncil.jpg)
$19 Council Camping fee due by October 2nd – last call !
This is in addition to the normal $10 fee required two weeks prior to the event.
We are currently in the process of taking orders for our troop’s main fundraiser “pine straw” sale. Hopefully your scout has made you aware of the sale kick off that began two weeks ago. Each scout received a receipt booklet (if they wanted one) or can print “pine straw” sales form from troop website. We ask that scouts collect money with the order ($5 per bale) and request accurate customer information to put onto the receipt. The information that is needed is customer name, address they want delivered to, specific location that straw is desired to be piled, and a contact phone number if we have delivering questions (as most are not home when we deliver). Also the name of the scout that sold the pine straw. Optional information desired would also be an email address (mostly for future sales). The preferred payment method would be a check made out to our troop. The scout will then bring receipt and payment to troop meeting which Tom, myself or another ASM will collect between now and hopefully the majority of the orders will be placed by March 12th. The delivery will began on the evening of March 20th and the morning of March 21st. If a customer wishes to pick up the pine straw themselves, they can come during the morning of March 21st. We have run short of pine straw in the past, so ask for pre-orders if possible. Pine straw sales are our troop’s main fundraiser that is used to help keep our troop dues (April and October) as low possible. As such the scout commission for this is low compared to other fundraisers our troop does. We ask parents to help our scouts understand the benefit (A scout is thrifty).