1792 Pilot Knob Park Road
Pinnacle, NC 27043
Preliminary Agenda :
Everyone will camp at base camp.
Sasquatch Patrol hiking 10+ miles with day packs (conditioning for backpacking) and some of Sasquatch patrol will need to work on map and compass. They will hike corridor trail plus around the Mnt. Possible pick up in van at end of hike and shuttle back to camp.
Dragon Patrol will have a similar hike distance at slower pace with day packs (to start getting them ready for short backpack trip).
Flaming Arrow Patrol will work on 5 mile hike with day pack (Tender Foot requirement) and use map and compass (they will focus on Tenderfoot hiking related advancement to include hike related first aid). Dragon patrol will continue working on cooking requirements (1st Class) and Flaming Arrow patrol 2nd class cooking requirements. Also will work on ToteNChip .
The Scout Master has recommended a dessert competition between patrols.